October's edition of Business 2.0 runs some cool articles. There is a story on the guys behind Oddpost, who recently sold their 15-month old company to Yahoo for a whopping $29 million. There is also a featured article on the hottest technoloies of 2004 that includes Voice-over-IP and Open Source databases. At the end of the article they mention 10 technologies to watch.
In the top 10, right next between 'Missile Defense Shield' and 'Titanium Graphite Wings' is our beloved 'Rich Internet Application' listed! One point, they have Gmail as an example of a RIA, which imo isn't really one, but that's nitpicking.
What's more important is, that this is a magazine that gets read by (your) manager and their managers, so the message isn't only coming from down the pyramid ( the developers ) but also from top-down.
I have included a Flashpaper and a downloadable PDF version of the article.
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