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Friday, October 27, 2006



With the explosion of Flash video all over the web, I've been surprised how little support and training material can be found for FMS. There are very few books, and only a handful of places that offer the Adobe 3-day curriculum. New Toronto Group is one. We just installed FMS at work and love it, but finding some training was kind of a bear.

greg h


There was a BoF. And as always a very good one.

How, you ask, could there have been an FMS2 BoF and you not have known? Answer: The BoF schedule info never went up on the MAX website (btw, Adobe *MUST* fix this for MAX '07)

The only public information about the BoF that I saw was on the day of the BoF (Tuesday) when attendees received a newsletter that morning that included the BoF schedule for that evening.

fyi ... the session was titled:
Meet the Team: FlashVideo/Flash Media Server

Several topics that were discussed were news to me too.

There is now an Adobe Media Platform group (I think that is the name), headed by Jim Guerard with either direct or cross reporting over FMS, Flash Video, After Effects, Serious Magic, Soundbooth, etc.

Maybe Steve Wolkoff (or somebody from Adobe) could blog about what was covered.

They had a Breeze room open so that the FMS engineers back in San Francisco could join in. If anyone at Adobe is listening, next year please publish a "Connect" url for the Flash Video/FMS BoF so that non-attendees can, at minimum, listen in. Please? :-)

Sorry I missed you at MAX. I hope that we will have an opportunity to meet in person before too long.


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